We offer tax efficient solutions to achieve your goals.  We recommend products to hold bespoke investment portfolios aligned to your attitude to risk.  These will provide you with either growth or income, as required.  Our portfolios are reviewed monthly by our investment experts and their impressive performance is then communicated to you to keep you updated, along with any ongoing recommendations.  We promise to carry out a thorough financial review at least annually for all our clients to ensure that our advice is adapted to your changing circumstances.


Have you used your ISA allowance for this tax year? From 6th April 2010 Stocks and Shares ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) allow you to shelter up to £10,200 in a tax efficient environment with no capital gains tax or income tax to pay.  Contact us to take advantage of this tax year's allowance.


Are you saving enough? Contact us to work out if you are putting enough money aside to get what you want from life.


Do your existing investments have good performance?  As part of our complimentary financial review an adviser will compare your existing investment performance to the impressive performance of our portfolios, which are reviewed on a monthly basis.


Do your investments have the most tax efficient structure? We consider your overall circumstances and look to take advantage of all available tax allowances and exemptions.  These can change over time and therefore regular reviews are imperative.


Are your investments being reviewed monthly? The experts of HENRI JAMES Wealth review every portfolio monthly to ensure continued outperformance of our benchmarks.


Could you benefit from moving your investments Offshore? Speak to an adviser to discuss when this is advantageous.





























Henri James Wealth is a trading style of Sarah Stallard. Sarah Stallard is an appointed representative of Sage Financial Services Ltd, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Sage Financial Services Ltd is entered on the FSA register ( under reference 150452. The information and content of this website is intended for UK consumers only and is subject to the UK regulatory regime. The FSA do not regulate some forms of tax planning advice. Henri James Wealth Principal - Sarah Stallard